Sunday, July 14, 2013

I'm not a superwoman,
 I cannot please everyone (although sometimes how much I wish I could)... but no, I can't.

小孩真好, 无忧无虑,  烦恼

Wednesday, May 08, 2013


Let's look on a brighter side. 

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Just for a moment

Since long that I stop by this space & take a look. 

Realizing how time flies, just like the phrase 'in a blink of eye...'
How I wish it would stop & let the world be silent for awhile. Things are getting difficult as we grow up, 
but we just have to face it, go through it (no matter is it the hard way or easy way), and then learn from it. 

Can't believe I'm 22nd already, seriously missed those times where we'll brag how young we are, how we want to persuade our dreams/goals in life, what we want to do when we grow up blah blah blah.
& I realize most of us aren't even close to that "dream/goal" we called it.  
Guess that's call life. We just live it up to 'expectations'.

Nevertheless, I'm still glad I've people whom I can rely on so much. Even if I'm at my lowest, I've make biggest mistakes, I've my worst flaws, I've the least patience, I've the meanest attitude... but I know they won't leave me alone & they'll be there for me. Just want to say thank you to those people that I appreciate in my life, you all will always be loved by me. No matter how pathetically least number of time we met up once in a blue moon, I still have you all in mind. :)
We're just eight digits apart, right ? (always)


Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy new year!

Yep, I know it's a little bit late (a little only la) but still, 
Wishing all happiness, good health/wealth & everything goes on smoothly! HUAT AH! :D
hahahaha idk why I just find the HUAT AH very funny when people says it loud. 


! :D Happy happy, tian tian mi mi!

Back to sleep mode soon. 

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Yep, it's MONDAY again tomorrow. Me don't like the starting of the cycle. Stupid monday blues.
But no choice, I have to get to work & do what I do best (for now).
My head is about to crack soon enough for all those stuffs that need to be consider. 

I need to consider about my studies (let alone this can kills me straight away). I would love to go back to school but is the money that I'll spend, worth it? I'm so afraid of this. It's like a fight inside my head every single time I thought of this topic.

Of course, there are still many many things that I'm thinking but I DO have my reasons for over thinking okay. Don't judge me, cause you people might not understand what's going thru my head, I pity my small head. LOL! Some times I hope people REALLY can stand in the other party's shoe and think for them. (so people wouldn't have misunderstanding). I greatly hope I could do that too. Wouldn't that be nice, people and people just can get along well & no arguments.

This applies in every single situation no matter is it work, family, r/s, you, me, them & everyone.

Why is it so difficult to understand a human being? Hahahaha, if I know, I wouldn't be here to experience this life. 

Totally. Random. 

Okay, Bye, Have a good rest people & here comes the rest of the week to endure!
Jiayou ah! Fightingggggg! :)